All Calibration Services
07 4035 9111
Hangar 9, Tom McDonald
Drive, Cairns GA Airport
Cairns, QLD 4870
Our Mission
To become one of the best and most trusted Calibration Laboratories in Australia, constantly improving with consistantly high standards of Service, Quality and Accuracy.
View Certificate : Click here
View Certificate : Click here

All Calibration Services are a locally owned and operated family business, located on the Cairns General Aviation Airport. Our technical experience extends to over 30 years, servicing PNG, Northern Territory and North Queensland from Cairns to Mackay and all areas in between. We provide service to the Aviation, Mechanical, Electrical, Engineering, Medical And Defence Industries.

All Calibration Services has dual quality certifications ISO9001 and AS9100D Aerospace and Defence Quality Assurance. AS9100D was jointly developed by the US DoD, NASA, FAA and commercial, aerospace companies including Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, GE Aircraft Engines and Pratt & Whitney, to meet the exacting requirements of these organisations. It is based on risk minimization and customer satisfaction as the core principals.

We invest in the latest technologies to ensure the highest accuracies are maintained while enabling the most productivity, which in turn allows us to have the best turn around times.

We are continuously striving to provide the best service, through fast turnaround, accurate results, and competitive pricing.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to see how we can help with your calibration requirement needs.

Fast Turnaround Guaranteed!
Call Now (07) 4035 9111
Calibration is performed in accordance with Australian, New Zealand or appropriate International Standards such as ISO, ASTM or BS and are traceable to national standards of measurement.